Nytenkende arkitekter og byggherrer med fete lommebøker, var det som kom til å betegne oppstarten av den norske, arkitektoniske stilen funksjonalismen på begynnelsen av trettitallet. – Bygg et hus over min kones flygel, lød ett av oppdragene. – Bygg et hus for kunstsamlingen min, lød et annet. Arne Korsmo (1900-1968) og Sverre Aasland (1899-1990) som […]


Being an architectonic freak, visiting London is always great fun. This week I really enjoyed learning both the names and the nicknames of some of London’s buildings that my good friend kindly taught me. It may be part of the famous British sense of humour, but Londoners tend to use unofficial names when referring to some of the landmarks that form […]


Photos: Kristin Bae Mysen I have always loved the color blue. To me it reduces stress and creates a sense of calmness. Maybe because it is an “earthly” color that I associate with bright blue cloudless sky and the endless ocean view. But not any blue.  My two favorites shades are the deep blue hue called International Klein […]


This oil painting Winter Night in the Mountains is a favorite of mine. In Norwegian it is called Vinternatt i Rondane, and a snow-covered mountain massif in full moonlight made such a strong impression on the Norwegian painter Harald Sohlberg who was skiing through the area, that he continued to work with the theme for 14 years. He painted a […]


                                             Edited by Kristin Bae Mysen The famous Iraqi-British architect Zaha Hadid died 31st of March this year, and I had to make this collage as a tribute to one of my favorite architects. I discovered […]