I do love my gold cross above that I carry ever so often. The design is great. It is tiny, tiny and measures eight millimeters. When I was eighteen and living in California for a year, I ran across a quote on a card in a bookstore, a card I have kept all this time. The quote goes: “I carry a cross in […]


The Cardamom Law You shall never bother others you shall be both fair and kind, and whatever else you do  I shall not mind. In this complicated world I tend to believe in simple truths like this law written by the constable Bastian in the town of Cardamom from the famous children’s book When the Robbers […]


Photo: Kristin Bae Mysen “Wanderer, your footsteps are the road, and nothing more; wanderer, there is no road, the road is made by walking. By walking one makes the road, and upon glancing behind one sees the path that never will be trod again. Wanderer, there is no road– Only wakes upon the sea.”. “Caminante, […]


Sometimes I like zipping up in order to regain my energy and just be me for a while. Other times I enjoy unzipping, being social and pour out energy on projects, family and friends. The best part is that I am in charge of the little zipper.


drawn by QUINO According to health writer Jennipher Walters there are 7 good reasons to smile. 1. Smiling can make you happy (even when you’re not) 2. Smiling can make others happy 3. Smiling makes you more attractive 4. Smiling can help you de-stress 5. Smiling can make you land a job 6. Smiling can lead […]